
Samples of my past work.

The examples here are a small selection of my publicly available work. For a more detailed work history, check out my LinkedIn profile.

  • Writing - articles and documentation I’ve written
  • Instructional Videos - videos I made for New Relic University
  • Validated - screenshots from a project with Django, Bootstrap, Facebook and Google integrations
  • Games - screenshots and links to games I created


You can read my writing on this site and at O’Reilly Media. I’ve also contributed to open source project documentation.

Some highlights:

Why don’t we follow password security best practices? on Increment Magazine

How to Set up a Twitter Bot with Python and Heroku on dev.to

4 steps to solving any software problem - a step-by-step guide for programmers at all experience levels.

Django Checklist - condensed instructions on creating a page in Django.

Django Overview for Women Who Code website project.

Videos - New Relic University

Videos for New Relic’s free learning content. I wrote the scripts and did all recording and editing for these.

Service Maps

Database Dashboard

External Services

Validated - validated.co

Created merchant backend for customer rewards startup.

  • Django
  • PostgreSQL
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Integrations:
    • Facebook
    • Google Maps
  • Plugins:

screenshot of administrative area for user activation used Django Forms with Bootstrap to display and process forms screenshot of a dropdown menu listing merchants administrative views allow site owners to manage user accounts screenshot of an image upload widget easy image editing with Cropper screenshot of a social media form page lookup and verification with Facebook API integration screenshot of a Google Maps widget Google Maps integration allows easy customizing of store location


Simple Minesweeper and Blackjack games in JavaScript–I didn’t use a framework, and there’s no backend. The goal was to explore object-oriented JavaScript.

screenshot of a Minesweeper game screenshot of a Blackjack game screenshot of a Blackjack game, closeup